ZOLOZ eKYC SaaS updates 2024-05-21

ZOLOZ Feature Release

Feature Enhancements

  • Added support for MyKAS (docType=00600000009), MyPR (docType=00600000007), MyPolis (docType=00600000003) and MyVisa (doctype=00600000011) in Real ID and ID Recognition. For details, please refer to Document types supported and OCR results returned
  • Introduced a sub-account deletion function on the admin page of Portal.
  • Added the support range of ID schematics on Real ID and modified the Mykad ID schematics.
  • Enabled special characters in docNumber input for Add list item, optimizing the display of items containing special symbols (e.g., '()') in blacklist entries.
  • Optimized the field display on the result page of the demo app’s RealID, ID Recognition, FaceCapture, Connect and other products.
  • In Real ID and ID Recognition, added parameter verification
    • Added pages parameter verification for initialize interface of Real ID and ID Recognition
    • Added frontimage and backimage parameter verification for recognize interface of ID Recognition.
    • For docType that supports the upload of only one page, INVALID_ARGUMENT will be returned when two document pages are passed. For details, please refer to ZOLOZ API Parameter Upgrade Notification - March 20 2024.
  • In Real ID and ID Recognition, the OCR ability to recognize traditional Chinese characters has been upgraded and optimized to improve the accuracy of recognition.
  • In Real ID, websdk can support downgrade method. If the user's browser version does not support the use of the normal SDK, the downgrade method can be used. For details, see Real ID-initialize.
  • Upgraded the ID Network face comparison algorithm to improve accuracy and risk detection.

Native SDK Version Release

  • Improved ZOLOZ's security protection for Android cameras and fix some frame drops and screen blurring for Real ID and Face Capture.

The above feature require the Native SDK to be upgraded to the latest version: