POST /api/v1/zoloz/idrecognition/checkresult
The ZOLOZ checkresult API is used to request a result about the ID recognition process running status and other corresponding results, which include basic and detailed document verification results. This API is idempotent.
Request parameters
Field name | Data type | Max Length | Default Value | Description |
bizId | String | 32 | - | Required. A unique business ID for tracing purpose. For example,the sequence ID from the merchant's business-related database. Note: The ZOLOZ server does not perform uniqueness check on the value of this field. For better tracking, it is strongly recommended to enable the merchant server to guarantee the uniqueness of the business ID. |
transactionId | String | 64 | - | Required. The unique transaction ID that is returned in the response of the initialize API. |
isReturnImage | String | 1 | Y | Optional. Whether to return image data in the response. Values:
extraImageControlList | List<String> | - |
| Optional. Specifies whether to return extra document images. The following values are supported:
Note: The possibility of additional images being returned is dependent on whether these images have been captured successfully. This is determined by both the integration mode and the |
Response parameters
Field name | Data type | Description |
result | Required. The API request result, which contains information about the result of the API request, such as status and error codes. | |
extInfo | ExtInfo | Optional. Detailed information about document verification. This field is only available when the value of the result.resultStatus field is set to |
Result process logic
For different request results, different actions are to be performed. See the following for details:
- If the value of the result.resultStatus is
, the ZOLOZ checkresult API is invoked successfully, and results about document verification are returned. - If the value of the result.resultStatus is
, the invocation of the ZOLOZ checkresult API fails. Check the error code and message for more information about the possible reasons. Error codes.
Common result codes
For the full list of common result codes, see the Common result codes section in the Error handling topic.
API-specific result codes
The following table shows the possible result codes that are specific for the ID recognition checkresult API.
resultCode | resultSatus | Description |
SUCCESS | S | User finished the transaction. |
PROCESSING | S | User hasn't finish the whole flow. |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | F | Input parameters are invalid. For more information about which parameter is invalid, check the result message or the related log. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | F | Other internal errors. For more information about the error details, check the result message or the related log. |
UNUSABLE | F | User is blocked by the cooldown strategy. |
LIMIT_EXCEEDED | F | User tried too many times within the same transaction. |
Request Sample
The following sample shows what a request that the merchant server sends looks like.
"bizId": "2017839040588699",
"transactionId": "G000000005FID20200304000000000001570702",
"isReturnImage": "Y",
"extraImageControlList": [
Response Sample
The following sample shows what a response that the ZOLOZ server returns looks like.
"extInfo": {
"imageContent": ["base64string.....", "base64string....."],
"ocrResult": {
"ID_NUMBER": "xxxx",
"COUNTRY": "xxxxx",
"SEX": "M"
"ocrResultDetail": {
"name": "ID_NUMBER",
"source": "MRZ",
"value": "xxxx"
"name": "ID_NUMBER",
"source": "VISUAL",
"value": "xxxx"
"MRZ_SEX": {
"name": "SEX",
"source": "MRZ",
"value": "M"
"name": "COUNTRY",
"source": "MRZ",
"value": "xxxx"
"spoofResult": {
"recognitionErrorCode": "",
"recognitionErrorDescription": "xxxxx",
"recognitionResult": "Y",
"extraImages": {
"DOC_FRONT_ANGLE": "/9j/4AA..[omitted]..PxA="
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "success",
"resultStatus": "S"
More information
The following table shows the fields that can be specified in the ExtIdInfo data model.
Field name | Data type | Description |
recognitionResult | String | Specifies the running status of the document verification process. Possible values and their meanings are as below:
Required if the document verification process runs successfully. |
certType | String | ID type. Specifies the type of the identity document. Required if the document verification process runs successfully. |
docEdition | Integer | Specifies the edition of the identity document.
imageContent | List<String> | The image of the identity document (if any). The image must be encoded in base64. This field is specified only when the document verification process runs successfully. |
extraImages | Map<String,String> | Optional. Specifies extra document images that should be returned, and this field can be specified in request.extraImageControlList.
ocrResult | Map | The OCR result, which contains information about the identity. Required if the document verification process runs successfully. Depending on the type of the identity document, different sets of identity information are recognized. For more information, see Document types supported and OCR results returned. |
ocrResultDetail | Map<String, OcrResultDetail> | OCR result details. This field is returned only when |
spoofResult | Map | Optional. The spoofing check result, which contains information about the check results in terms of tampering, authenticity of the document material, and screen recapture. For more information, see spoofResult. |
recognitionErrorCode | String | Optional. Specifies the error details of the document verification process. Possible values and their meanings are as below:
recognitionErrorDescription | String | Specifies doc verification failure reason. |
The following table shows the detailed information that is included in a spoofing check result.
Field name | Data type | Description |
TAMPER_CHECK | String | Required. Specifies whether the input identity document passes the tampering check. If the identity document does not pass the check, which means it is detected as tampered, the value of |
MATERIAL_CHECK | String | Required. Specifies whether the material of the identity document passes the authenticity check. If the material of the identity document does not pass the check, for example, detected in black and white, the value of |
SCREEN_RECAPTURE_CHECK | String | Required. Specifies whether the identity document passes the screen recapture check. If the identity document does not pass the check, which means the image uploaded is detected as an image recaptured from a screen, the value of |
SECURITY_FEATURE_CHECK | String | Optional. Currently only support HK identity card. Validate some of the security features on the identity card to recognize fake cards. |
INFORMATION_CHECK | String | Optional. Currently only support HK identity card. Validate the information on ID card such as ID number according to government rules. |