POST /api/v1/zoloz/idrecognition/initialize
The ZOLOZ initialize API is used to initialize the ID recognition process in ZOLOZ. A unique transaction ID is generated for the ID recognition process and used in all the subsequent interactions with the ZOLOZ server. This API is not idempotent.
Request parameters
Field name | Data type | Max length | Default Value | Description |
bizId | String | 32 | - | Required. A unique business ID for tracing purpose. For example,the sequence ID from the merchant's business-related database. Note: The ZOLOZ server does not perform uniqueness check on the value of this field. For better tracking, it is strongly recommended to enable the merchant server to guarantee the uniqueness of the business ID. |
metaInfo | String | 512 | - | Required. The meta information about the SDK and the user's device. The value of this field is returned from the ZOLOZ SDK in the JSON string format, for example:
Note: Do not modify the returned value as it only needs to be passed through directly. |
userId | String | 64 | - | Required. Merchant user ID, or other identifiers that can be used to identify a specific user, for example, mobile phone number, email address and so on. It is strongly recommended to pre-desensitize the value of the userId field, for example, by hashing the value. |
docType | String | 16 | - | Optional. Type of the document, for example, if the document to be uploaded is a passport, set the value of this attribute to 00000001003. The value of this field must not be null or an empty string. For the document types that are supported, see Document types supported and OCR results returned. Note: Please provide either |
autoDocTypes | List<String> | 200 | - | Optional. Specify list of document types. Please provide either
The value of items in |
pages | String | 32 | All pages supported by the document type | Optional. The document pages that you want to do id recognition. Use comma to separate. For the document page range, see Document types supported and OCR results returned. Note: When |
serviceLevel | String | 32 | IDRECOGNITION0002 | Optional. Three levels are supported:
operationMode | String | 32 | STANDARD | Optional. Specifies the operation mode where the identity proofing process runs. The following values are supported:
h5ModeConfig | Object | - | Optional. Specifies the configuration settings for H5 ID Recognition flow. For more information,see h5ModeConfig. | |
productConfig | ProductConfig | - | - | Optional. Specifies finer controls for the IDR product. For more information, see productConfig. |
Response parameters
Field name | Data type | Description |
result | Required. The API request result, which contains information about the result of the API request, such as status and error codes. | |
transactionId | String | Optional. A unique transaction ID that is generated by the ZOLOZ server for the ID recognition process. This ID will be used as an input parameter for the ID recognition checkresult API request. Note: when an error occurs during the process, for example, invalid argument, no transaction ID is returned. |
clientCfg | String | Optional. The client configuration information, including parameters about SDK connection and behavior. The value of this field is specified only when the result.resultStatus field is |
The following table shows the fields that can be specified in the productConfig data model.
Field name | Data type | Max length | Default Value | Description |
pageInfoCheck | Array | - | null | Optional. Specify page information check in the DOC spoofing check. For detailed inspection items, refer to the DOC spoofing check component. Note: Page information check is only applicable to Hong Kong, China identity cards. |
consistencyCheck | List<ConsistencyCheckItem> | - | null | Optional. Specify whether to perform consistency checks. Consistency checks are only applicable for selected documents. An array of supported information check components needs to be specified if consistency check is expected. To understand the valid values for this field, please refer to consistency check data structure. |
allowExpiredDocument | String | - | Different document types have different default values:
| Optional. Specifies whether expired documents are allowed. The following values are supported:
Note: Invalid values will fall back to the default option and pause the ID Recognition process when an expired document is detected. |
cropFaceImageFromDoc | String | 1 | N | Optional. Specify whether to crop the face area of the captured doc image. Valid values include:
enableOCR | String | - | N | Optional. Whether to enable the OCR function. The values are as follows: |
spoofMode | String | 10 | CLOSED | Optional. This parameter refers to document anti-spoofing levels, defined as follows:
Note: You need to purchase the Spoof product before you can use this feature. |
ConsistencyCheckItem data structure
Field name | Data type | Value range | Description | Supported ID / Country or Region / docType / OCR field to check |
type | String | commonConsistencyCheck | consistency check of OCR field within DOC spoofing check | Mykad / Malaysia / 00600000001 / ID_NUMBER
Field name | Data type | Value range | Description | Supported ID / Country or Region / docType / OCR field to check |
type | String | mrzVisualConsistencyCheck | consistency check of OCR field which has both MRZ (machine readable zone) and VIZ (visual inspection zone) within DOC spoofing check | - |
details | List<String> | refer to supported ocr fileds of each docType | specify ocr field in details for consistency check.
| MyVisa / Malaysia / 00600000011 /
Passport (both MRZ and VIZ) / CHN, HKG, TWN, MAC, PHL, SGP, MYS / 00000001006 /
Field name | Data type | Value range | Description | Supported ID / Country or Region / docType / OCR field to check / default country code |
type | String | passportCountryCheck | checks that the | |
valueRange | List<String> | should be the same as the default country code. | when type is passportCountryCheck, | for below docTypes, valueRange should be a list of its default country or region code
each item should comply with ISO_3166-1_alpha-3 | for below docTypes,
Result process logic
For different request results, different actions are to be performed. See the following for details:
- If the value of the result.resultStatus is
, the ZOLOZ initialize API is invoked successfully and a unique transaction ID is returned. - If the value of the result.resultStatus is
, the invocation of the ZOLOZ initialize API fails. Check the error code and message for more information about the possible reasons. Error codes
Common error codes
For the full list of common error codes, see the Common error codes section in the Error handling topic.
API-specific error codes
The following table shows the possible error codes that are specific for the ID Recognition initialize API.
resultCode | resultStatus | Description |
SUCCESS | S | The API call is successful. |
HIGH_RISK | F | High risks are detected. The user account is strategically cooled down by the risk engine. |
ACCOUNT_SERVICE_SUSPEND | F | The user account is blacklisted by the risk engine. |
DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT | F | The device type is not supported. |
OS_NOT_SUPPORT | F | The operating system of the device is not supported. |
SDKVERSION_NOT_SUPPORT | F | The version of the ZOLOZ SDK is not supported. |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | F | Input parameters are invalid. For more information about which parameter is invalid, check the result message or the related log. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | F | Other internal errors. For more information about the error details, check the result message that is returned and the related log. |
Request sample
For different integration modes, the request structures are a little different. When the ID recognition process is initiated in the H5 mode, additionally, an object called h5ModeConfig must be specified. Refer to the following two request samples for the detailed information.
Native Request Sample
The following sample shows what a request looks like if the identity proofing process is initiated in the App SDK mode.
"bizId": "2017839040588699",
"userId": "123456abcd",
"productConfig": {
"consistencyCheck": [
"type": "commonConsistencyCheck"
"details": [
"type": "mrzVisualConsistencyCheck"
"valueRange": [
"type": "passportCountryCheck"
"pageInfoCheck": [
"name": "id"
"name": "symbol"
"name": "name"
"allowExpiredDocument": "Y",
"cropFaceImageFromDoc": "Y",
"metaInfo": "{
\"deviceType\": \"deviceType\",
\"appVersion\": \"1.0\",
\"osVersion\": \"7.1.1\",
\"appName\": \"\",
\"bioMetaInfo\": \"3.37.0:262144,0\",
\"apdidToken\": \"mock-apdidToken\",
\"deviceModel\": \"MI 6\",
\"zimVer\": \"2.0.0\"
"serviceLevel": "IDRECOGNITION0002",
"operationMode": "CLOSED"
H5 RealId Request Sample
The following sample shows what a request looks like if the ID recognition process is initiated in the H5 mode.
"bizId": "2017839040588699",
"userId": "123456abcd",
"metaInfo": "MOB_H5",
"productConfig": {
"consistencyCheck": [
"type": "commonConsistencyCheck"
"details": [
"type": "mrzVisualConsistencyCheck"
"valueRange": [
"type": "passportCountryCheck"
"pageInfoCheck": [
"name": "id"
"name": "symbol"
"name": "name"
"allowExpiredDocument": "Y",
"cropFaceImageFromDoc": "Y",
"serviceLevel": "IDRECOGNITION0002",
"operationMode": "CLOSED"
Response Sample
The following sample shows what a response that the ZOLOZ server returns looks like.
"result": {
"resultStatus": "S",
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "Success"
"clientCfg": "……"
More information
The following table shows the fields that can be specified in the h5ModeConfig Object.
Field name | Data type | Max length | Default Value | Description |
state | String | 128 | The value of the | Optional. An identifier that is used to recover the customer's context. You can set this field to any String value. The value is then passed as a parameter when the ZOLOZ SDK calls back to the merchant's application. If the value is not set, the value of the transactionId field is used. |
completeCallbackUrl | String | 128 | - | Required. Specifies the callback URL where the browser is redicted when the whole identity proofing process is completed. |
interruptCallbackUrl | String | 128 | - | Required. Specifies the callback URL where the browser is redirected when the process is interrupted. |
isIframe | String | 1 | N | Optional. If the Web Page need to be open in Iframe, this param should be set as Y. Supported Value: Y / N |
uiCfg | String | 256 | null | Optional. Custom UI configurations in the JSON string format. Only support For example: If set |