checkresult v1a
POST /api/v1a/zoloz/facecapture/checkresult
The ZOLOZ Face Capture checkresult v1a API is an upgraded version of checkresult API. It can be used to request more information of the face capture process results. This API is idempotent.
Request parameters
Field name | Data type | Max Length | Description |
bizId | String | 32 | Required. A unique business ID for tracing purpose. For example,the sequence ID from the merchant's business-related database. Note: The ZOLOZ server does not perform uniqueness check on the value of this field. For better tracking, it is strongly recommended to enable the merchant server to guarantee the uniqueness of the business ID. |
transactionId | String | 64 | Required. The unique transaction ID that is returned in the response of the initialize API. |
isReturnImage | String | 1 | Optional. A flag that specifies whether the specified extra image data needs to be returned in the response. The following values are supported:
By default, the value of |
extraImageControlList | List<String> | Optional. Specify what extra images to be returned if isReturnImage is The following values are supported:
Response parameters
Field name | Data type | Description |
result | Required. The API request result, which contains information about the result of the API request, such as status and error codes. | |
extInfo | ExtInfo | Detailed face capture information. Refer to the table below for details. Optional. Detailed information about face capture. This field is only available when the value of the result.resultCode field is set to |
faceCaptureResult | String | Required. The result of the Face Capture process. States the actual results of each transaction in the form of
Result process logic
For different request results, different actions are to be performed. See the following for details:
- If the value of the result.resultCode is
, the ZOLOZ Face Capture checkresult API is invoked successfully, and results about face capture are returned. - Otherwise, the invocation of the ZOLOZ Face Capture checkresult API fails. Check the error code and message for more information about the possible reasons.
Common error codes
For the full list of common error codes, see the Common error codes section in the Error handling topic.
API-specific error codes
The following table shows the possible error codes that are specific for the Face Capture checkresult API.
resultCode | resultSatus | Description |
SUCCESS | S | Success. |
PROCESSING | S | Process is still ongoing, waiting for a face image to be uploaded. |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | F | Input parameters are invalid. For more information about which parameters, check the result message or the related log. |
UNUSABLE | F | The meta information that is returned from the ZOLOZ SDK does not pass the usability check, which indicates the user cannot use the face capture function. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | F | Other internal errors. For more information about the error details, check the result message that is returned and the related log. |
LIMIT_EXCEEDED | F | User has tried too many times within same transaction |
Request Sample
The following sample shows what a request that the merchant server sends looks like.
"bizId": "2017839040588699",
"transactionId": "G006600016CN20190114000000009572520355",
"isReturnImage": "Y",
"extraImageControlList": ["FACE_EYE_CLOSE"]
Response Sample
The following sample shows what a response that the ZOLOZ server returns looks like.
"extInfo": {
"imageContent": "base64string.....",
"faceAttack": false,
"riskLevel": 0
"rect": {
"top": 233,
"left": 165,
"bottom": 479,
"right": 410
"quality": "99.41563014552693",
"qualityPassed": true,
"extraImages": { "FACE_EYE_CLOSE": "base64string....." }
"result": {
"resultCode": "SUCCESS",
"resultMessage": "success",
"resultStatus": "S"
More information
The following table shows the fields that can be specified in the ExtInfo data model.
Field name | Data type | Description |
imageContent | String | Optional. The captured face image, which is encoded in base64. |
faceAttack | boolean | Optional. Specifies whether the captured face image is detected as a fake face attack by using the face liveness check algorithm. If the image is not a fake face attack, the value of |
rect | Map | Optional. The coordinate data of the face image, for exmaple:
quality | String | Optional. The quality score of the image. The value of this field is in the range of 0-100. |
qualityPassed | boolean | Required. The total quality result of the image which will be returned in the form of
extraImages | Map<String,String> | Optional, extra image only available if isReturnImage and extraImageControlList are specified in the request. Contain the extra face images specified in request.extraImageControlList. Key is the value specified in request.extraImageControlList. Value is the image content encoded in base64. If the requested image is not found, the value will be "". |
deviceRisk | DeviceRisk | Optional. Returned device risk information. This field is only returned when you purchase Deeper product and either the |
deeperResult | String | Optional. Specifies the deeper result. It is returned when
deeperResultDescription | String | Optional. Specifies the detail descriptions of the deeper result when |
Field name | Data type | Description |
riskLevel | Integer | Optional. Risk levels and corresponding recommendations: