Risk introduction
This section introduces the types of risks and troubleshooting methods that are supported by IdNetwork for detection.
Introduction to risk types
IdNetwork supports 5 types of major risk detection:
- IDFAKE (identity fraud)
- DUPLICATE (duplicate authentication)
- BATCH_REGISTER (Batch register)
- DEEPFAKE (Deepfake face)
The risk and sub-risk type details are shown in the table below:
Risk type | Scene | Risk description | Sub-risk type | Sub-risk description |
IDFAKE | kyc | Tampering with document information i.e. face image, numbers, name and other information. | SameFaceDifferentIdNumber | Same face, different ID numbers (same ID type). |
SameFaceDifferentPerson | Same face, different name or date-of-birth. | |||
SameIdDifferentFace | Same ID number (same ID type), different faces. | |||
SameIdDifferentPerson | Same ID number (same ID type), different name or date-of-birth. | |||
SamePersonDifferentFace | Same name and date-of-birth, different faces. | |||
SamePersonDifferentIdNumber | Same name and date-of-birth, different document numbers (same ID type). | |||
DUPLICATE | Multiple documents for the same person. | SameFaceDifferentIdType | Same face, different ID types. | |
SameFaceDifferentUserId | Same face, different users. | |||
BATCH_REGISTER | Different persons conducting verification under the same background. | SameFaceBackgroundDifferentFace | Highly similar face background, different faces. | |
DEEPFAKE | Deepfake face | SameFaceBackgroundDeepfakeFace | Deepfake faces, highly similar face background. | |
| verification | duplicate photo for same userid | SamePhotoSameUserId | Same photo, same users. |
Risk screening
Risk type | Sub-risk type | Dependent field | Risk judgment ruleĀ |
IDFAKE | SameFaceDifferentIdNumber |
| Similar faces, same ID type, different ID numbers. |
SameFaceDifferentPerson |
| Similar faces, different names or date-of-birth on the ID. | |
SameIdDifferentFace |
| Same ID type and ID number with different faces. | |
SameIdDifferentPerson |
| Same ID type or ID number, different name and date-of-birth. | |
SamePersonDifferentFace |
| Same name and birth-of-date, different faces. | |
SamePersonDifferentIdNumber |
| Same ID type, name and date-of-birth. Different ID numbers. | |
DUPLICATE | SameFaceDifferentIdType |
| Similar faces, different ID types. |
SameFaceDifferentUserId |
| Similar faces, different accounts. | |
BATCH_REGISTER | SameFaceBackgroundDifferentFace |
| Highly similar face background, different faces. |
DEEPFAKE | SameFaceBackgroundDeepfakeFace |
| Deepfake faces, highly similar face background. |
| Same photo, same users. |